
074 - 2010-02-21 New World Gulch - Mystic Lake - Sourdough

A longer tour through a scenic area. Started at the New World Gulch trailhead with Gibby and Niko and went up the winter run to the big meadow. Stopped and had some eats and beverages in a meadow overlooking Mystic Lake, where Gibby dug a pit that showed some problems in the snow pack, but the slope was too shallow to worry about. On the way down to the lake came to the realization that trying to do turns while attached to Niko just doesn't work. Trek across the lake went well, though it was almost breaking trail. Hit the groomed at Wild Horse Junction. Groomed turned out to be frustrating on a waxless bc setup where I'm used to moving fast on skate gear. Hit the car before 6 in frigid temps.
Conditions - Chilly, much of the day was single digits. A skiff of fresh made the well traveled up trail up to the big meadow enjoyable. After that, there was a lightly traveled trak to the lake. Going across the lake we followed a track that nobody had skied in some time. From the cabin down to Wild Horse Junction was a traveled track. From there to the bridge was freshly groomed and after that it had seen a lot of traffic.
Ski - Karhu Dorado 195 - These things are great on FS trails, but totally blow on the groomed. Felt like skiing on molassas, 8.5 miles of it,compared to the skate gear I usually have on this trail.

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