
086 - 2010-03-20 Teton Village

Second day in Jackson with bluebird skies. Walked up and saw no line for the Tram - Yee Ha lets go! On going through the turnstiles a patroler said it was the worst conditions he had ever seen; this was a prescient statement. On the way and at the top we could take in the North American Ski Mountaineering Championships, a mostly, yes there were a couple lonely telemarkers, randonee race. Once up top, we skied to the top of Corbet's to watch the racers boot up. After that we traversed over to Rendevous Bowl, where the steep icy bumps destroyed my spirit and more; I was in teh sux mode!

This continued until we moved to the eat place near the top of the gondola for a break. After that we headed over to Apre-Vous. Maybe it was some food or conditions changing toward softer snow, but of a sudden I was in the zone, total opposite of before. Though some say it was due to the Jaeger. Spent the afternoon over on that side and slowly moved toward the center of the mountain. A good full day, but a bit uneven for me. Highlight of the day was Gibby blissfully unawares skiing past several closed sign. Closed the day at Mountain High Pizza Pie - still the best!
Conditions - Icy evil in the morning, soft and fun in the afternoon.
Ski - G3 Rapid Transit 178

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