
100 - 2010-05-08 Bell Lake Yurt

If at first you don't succeed.
After being knocked back on Thursday, we took a rest day on Friday and re-grouped. Though now lacking Ryan, we got a more timely start on Saturday, the drive through to Potosi went smoothly. Past the campground things were a bit more precarious, nobody had driven it yet, but there were some ATV tracks and the snow was not quite as deep as it had been a couple days earlier, so I went for it. This was perhaps the drive of my life, the wheel was constantly in motion and the strength of the FJ and the the Cooper tires got us to the trailhead.

Now the trip could truely begin and under blue skies we organized our gear, tons lighter, but not light by any means, than a couple days before. Setting out, things went a lot smoother as the snow was a lot more consolidated, but as we gained elavation, it soon became another breaking trail in heavy new snow ordeal. However we had time and determination on our side.

And time is what it took, progress was slow, but it was a decent sunny day. The slog up the final hill is never easy, however it went much better than before. Got to the yurt, started a fire and relaxed with some snax and cold beverages. Finally gathered ourselves together and went for a short tour up to the lake to scope things out, wondering what we would see after all the heavy snow. We toured across lake under mixed clouds and gazed up at the slopes. We didn't notice anything that had slid since the storm, but it was getting late so we headed down the yurt. Got back around 7:30, can't do that in the middle of winter, and cooked up a proper dinner and relaxed into the wee hours with some cold beverages. Maybe too many cold beverages . . . 

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