
087 - 2010-03-21 Shadow Mtn

It had been all too long since I'd been in Jackson Hole proper and Gibby and John had never been there. With weather gods delivering in spades, his had the makings of a great day and we had the place to ourself. Shadow Mtn is on the east side of the hole and the trail, actually an old 2 track, starts out mostly flat and then winds back into the woods and hills that eventually become the Gros Ventre. After 3.5 and 1500 of vert you find yourself on a mellow ridgetop looking across to the most magnificent range on the continent.

Hung out there for a while, enjoying the view, fine beverages and some eats. Run back down was great, mostly avoiding the up track and making some mellow turns through open glades. Ended up popping out of the hills between 2 McMansions - oops! Highlight of the day was Gibby being in the zone and leaving us in his dust - another win for 5 Hour Energy! Got back to town too late to take in the pond skim at Snow King. Finished the day at Nikai; a little trendy, a little impressed with itself, but not too bad.

Conditions - Total bluebird windless day, it just doesn't get any better! Snow was sled made death cookies on the trail for the first halt and then started to get a bit moew pliable. Was able to get a bit of crust skating off the trail while still on the flats, but the Karhu's suk for skating. Way back down was soft spring fun.

Ski - Karhu Dorado 195 Worked well for the first bit, then let John use them because they have better grip, though they still are teh suk for skating.
Rossi TMS 205 - These were the bomb back in the day, but that was a long time ago. However they ain't too bad and they just don't make double cambered tele skis these day, but they were the ticket for this trip. Waxed them tip to tail with blue special and red in the kick zone - it worked! Run back down went well and holy s@^t I can still turn 205s.
A few more pix at http://teleturn.smugmug.com/2010-Winter/Shadow-Mtn/

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